Before you click "Verify", make sure DNS is already pointed and propagated.

In your Domain Registrar settings, point your domain to the MarketPlan domain name: by making a CNAME edit on your DNS Table.

As an example, we will be pointing to Marketplan via Cloudflare. To get started, go into your domain management software and go to the DNS tab. Create a CNAME record with @ as the Name and as the Target.

If you'd like to point a subdomain instead of the main domain, you can instead create a CNAME record with your subdomain (i.e. plan) as the Name, and as the Target.

The DNS records may take up to 48 hours to propagate (most domain registrars can update within an hour).

Next, go into "Account Settings" and click on the "Domain settings" tab. Enter in the full domain URL (i.e., then click on "Add Domain".

Once everything is good to go on our end, we will display a confirmation message. You'll now be able to visit your domain and see your login portal.

Note: If you are using Cloudflare, make sure your SSL setting is set to Full. Our certificate will not install on your domain otherwise.