Canvas Navigation and Tools

Learn how to use the Marketplan canvas

Funnel Mapping Basics

When you open a plan you will be open to your "Main Canvas" where you can plot out your entire marketing plan from start to finish. This is where you and your team can mastermind together to create the foundation of the plan that's about to go int...

Traffic and Conversion Elements

Traffic and Conversion elements go a long way in helping you visualize the flow of traffic through your funnel or campaign. As you connect pages together, the appropriate traffic or conversion element will appear in-between them to make sense of y...

Line Decisions

When hovering over any connector on a module, you will see a green "Y" and a red "N" appear near the connector. These are designed to simulate decisions that a customer can make throughout a funnel. For example, a user may have the option of purch...

Making Projections

One of the most powerful features inside of is the ability to make Projections for your campaigns. In "Plan" mode you can add your target numbers for the visitors, leads, and sales on each respective box. You can also switch between ...

Canvas Settings

Inside Canvas Settings, you can toggle a minimap at the bottom right of your plan to easily locate and navigate to different areas of your plan. A minimap will now appear at the top right, showing small icons which represent the modules in your pl...

Export & Sharing

To Export any plan, click on the upload icon at the top left of the canvas Here you can export your entire funnel map as a JPEG by selecting Export Image or as a PDF by selecting Export PDF. This will create your map and prompt you to open it in a...


The "Kanban" is a dynamic, progressive to-do list manager and is used for any task that is not applicable to the other made-for-marketing modules in To begin, click "Kanban" at the top right of your plan. By default, we provide you ...

Saving and Loading Selections

Elements and groups of elements can be saved as Selections for later use inside any plan in your account. To do this, first select the group of elements that you want to save by shift+clicking on the canvas and dragging your cursor over the elemen...

Team Collaboration allows you to collaborate with your team in real-time, giving you the ability to market as fast as you can think. There are several ways you can collaborate with your team in Inside of each element you can assign a task...


There's a page element for virtually every marketing situation you'll find yourself in. From simple optins, to webinar registration and live rooms, member areas, sales, upsell pages, surveys, and more! Drag and drop your pages into your Main Canva...